K. Albanians lobby for new recognitions

Kosovo’s independence will soon be recognized by more African states, Kosovo Deputy PM Behgjet Pacolli said after visiting Guinea, Tunisia and Mali.

Izvor: Beta

Sunday, 14.08.2011.


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Kosovo’s independence will soon be recognized by more African states, Kosovo Deputy PM Behgjet Pacolli said after visiting Guinea, Tunisia and Mali. “During his visit to Guinea, Pacolli met with President Alpha Conde and was given strong guarantees that recognition of Kosovo was expected soon,” the Kosovo deputy PM’s office said in a release. K. Albanians lobby for new recognitions During his visit to Tunisia Pacolli had a meeting with Islamist Renaissance Party founder Rashid al-Ghannushi, who “guaranteed Tunisia would recognize Kosovo if his party won the elections”. The Kosovo deputy prime minister was also promised by Mali President Amadou Toumani Toure that “Mali will seriously consider recognizing Kosovo”. This was Pacolli’s third visit to African nations in three months. Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in early 2008, but Serbia rejected this as an illegal act of secession. The territory has not been able to join the UN.

K. Albanians lobby for new recognitions

During his visit to Tunisia Pacolli had a meeting with Islamist Renaissance Party founder Rashid al-Ghannushi, who “guaranteed Tunisia would recognize Kosovo if his party won the elections”.

The Kosovo deputy prime minister was also promised by Mali President Amadou Toumani Toure that “Mali will seriously consider recognizing Kosovo”.

This was Pacolli’s third visit to African nations in three months.

Ethnic Albanians in Kosovo unilaterally declared independence in early 2008, but Serbia rejected this as an illegal act of secession. The territory has not been able to join the UN.

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