Suitcase Affair defendants acquitted

The Higher Court in Belgrade has ruled that a former NBS vice-governor and an SPS party official were not guilty in a bribery case.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 21.05.2010.


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The Higher Court in Belgrade has ruled that a former NBS vice-governor and an SPS party official were not guilty in a bribery case. The prosecution indicted and sent to trial central bank's former number two, Dejan Simic, and Vladan Zagradjanin of the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS), for allegedly accepting bribes in a case the media dubbed the Suitcase Affair, since the money was found in a suitcase. Suitcase Affair defendants acquitted Simic and Zagradjanin stood accused of taking the money in order to reinstate Kreditno-Eksportna bank's working permit, that was revoked earlier. The acquittal today came from a council of judges presided over by Danko Lausevic. The retrial in the case started in late 2009, after the general reelection of judges in Serbia. Simic was arrested in January 2006, on charges that he accepted bribes in the amount of EUR 100,000 in his apartment in Belgrade. Zagradjanin was arrested on the same day, and charged with aiding the crime. The affair's high profile also came from the fact then opposition SPS leader, now interior minister Ivica Dacic, who was in Simic’s apartment shortly before the arrests, was interviewed during the investigation.

Suitcase Affair defendants acquitted

Simić and Zagrađanin stood accused of taking the money in order to reinstate Kreditno-Eksportna bank's working permit, that was revoked earlier.

The acquittal today came from a council of judges presided over by Danko Laušević.

The retrial in the case started in late 2009, after the general reelection of judges in Serbia.

Simić was arrested in January 2006, on charges that he accepted bribes in the amount of EUR 100,000 in his apartment in Belgrade.

Zagrađanin was arrested on the same day, and charged with aiding the crime.

The affair's high profile also came from the fact then opposition SPS leader, now interior minister Ivica Dačić, who was in Simić’s apartment shortly before the arrests, was interviewed during the investigation.

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