Large quantity of arms vanishes from Belgrade depot - MoD

The Serbian Ministry of Defense has announced that a large quantity of weapons and ammunition is missing from a Belgrade Garrison depot.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 17.11.2016.


Large quantity of arms vanishes from Belgrade depot - MoD
Serbian MoD logo

Large quantity of arms vanishes from Belgrade depot - MoD

The MoD said the items missing include 70 semi-automatic pistols (9-millimeter CZ-99s), five automatic rifles (7.62-millimeter M-70 AB2s), and two cases of 7.62 and 9 millimeter bullets.

The statement added that the defense minister and the army chief have set up a commission tasked with discovering "the causes behind this event," and that the military intelligence agency, VOA, the military police, and the Prosecution are all taking part in the investigation.

The public will be informed of the results in a timely fashion, said the MoD.

Meanwhile, Defense Minister Zoran Djordjevic has ordered unscheduled checks to be carried out in all depots storing personal weapons and equipment.

The MoD statement also said that "significant financial means" will be allocated in 2017 to installing new video surveillance equipment in this type of facility, and that the devices will be networked with the existing centralized electronic surveillance system.

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