Issue of missing persons "top EULEX priority"
On the occasion of International Day of the Disappeared, the head of EULEX in Kosovo said that the issue "continues to be a top priority" for the mission.
Wednesday, 30.08.2017.
Issue of missing persons "top EULEX priority"
"While the nature of the identification process is sensitive, complicated and time consuming, it is vital that it continues in order to find answers on the fate of the missing,” she said in a written statement.According to Papadopoulou, "EULEX has been contributing to Kosovo’s search for the missing with a team of forensic experts who work with the Institute of Forensic Medicine (IFM) at the Kosovo Ministry of Justice in intensive efforts to determine the fate of the missing."
In parallel, over the past years, EULEX has been training the local field team to conduct site assessments and exhumations, she said.
"Since September 2016, EULEX forensic experts have been using Geographic Information Systems and predictive modeling at a micro scale level in their efforts to help determine the fate of the disappeared. EULEX has also conducted in-depth analysis of files to cross reference family blood reference samples of each missing person. Preliminary results have already indicated a successful process," the statement said.
“Ultimately, EULEX is here to assist Kosovo institutions find missing persons within our existing means and capabilities. And, as long as we are here, we will never give up,” Papadopoulou said.
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