Cabinet ministers attend Blair's lecture, keep mum

B92 learned exclusively that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was in Belgrade on Wednesday where he spoke in front of several cabinet ministers.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 25.02.2015.


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Cabinet ministers attend Blair's lecture, keep mum

None of the ministers who attended wished to make any comment afterwards. Dusan Vujovic, Ivan Tasovac, Nikola Selakovic, and Zorana Mihajlovic all refused to make any statements, while Belgrade Mayor Sinisa Mali said only that "somebody else will speak about the meeting."

A B92 crew was prevented from entering the Klub Poslanika establishment in 2 Tolstojeva St. where the lecture took place. Our reporters saw government vehicles in the parking lot, as well as British embassy cars near the location where Blair spoke.

The former British prime minister was obviously keen to go unnoticed while in Belgrade, so he left the building by the back door, most likely through the kitchen, and drove off in a convoy of armored vans and cars.

B92 learned that Blair explained "the strategy of political activity, public relations, and manner of communicating with the media" to the Serbian ministers.

They were also advised to "focus on three or four topics during their mandates."

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