New arrests over Timok River pollution

Zaječar police have detained two company directors over the latest spill of ammonia in the Timok River.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 10.07.2007.


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New arrests over Timok River pollution

The new pollution happened despite the fact that last week, after 20 tons of fish died in the river, police arrested Goran Ivković and Ninko Mitrović, owners and directors of Jersey and Džarvin companies, on suspicion of being directly responsible for the spill that caused the environmental disaster.

Earlier today, the Public Health Bureau in Zaječar reported a high concentration of ammonia in the river.

There are no reports as yet indicating that the latest spill killed any fish in the river.

The Environmental Protection Ministry stated that the Knjaževac factories Jersey and Stokoimpeks were still working despite being shut down last week.

The ministry claims the factories are responsible for causing the increases in ammonia found in the river.

Deputy Minister Ljiljana Stanojević told B92 that inspection has determined the two factories are responsible for the pollution and will be punished appropriately.

According to Stanojević, the maximum fine the factories can receive is about RSD 4mn or EUR 50,000.

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