Widespread corruption arrests in Macedonia

Some 40 persons were arrested in Macedonia, mostly suspected of accepting bribes and defrauding state funds.

Izvor: Beta

Monday, 19.04.2010.


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Some 40 persons were arrested in Macedonia, mostly suspected of accepting bribes and defrauding state funds. Most of the persons arrested are doctors and officials of the Fund for Pension Insurance, as well as middlemen involved in the dealings. Widespread corruption arrests in Macedonia They are suspected of accepting bribes and issuing illegal disability pensions. Police stated that many have already been questioned and that searches of the suspect's homes are ongoing. The police action took effect after media reports that several members of the commission for issuing disability pensions were accepting bribes of in between EUR 2,000 and 5,000 per pension, giving illegal pensions to those who gave bribes instead of to persons who had applied legally. Police stated that pensions issued over the last several years would be investigated.

Widespread corruption arrests in Macedonia

They are suspected of accepting bribes and issuing illegal disability pensions.

Police stated that many have already been questioned and that searches of the suspect's homes are ongoing.

The police action took effect after media reports that several members of the commission for issuing disability pensions were accepting bribes of in between EUR 2,000 and 5,000 per pension, giving illegal pensions to those who gave bribes instead of to persons who had applied legally.

Police stated that pensions issued over the last several years would be investigated.

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