Dacic tells SNS leader of his "three wishes"

A continued cooperation between the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) and the Serb Progressive Party (SNS) is "in Serbia's best interest."

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 07.06.2016.


Dacic tells SNS leader of his

Dacic tells SNS leader of his "three wishes"

Dacic added that they discussed "the framework of the new government's program, rather than personnel issues or ministries."

Speaking to reporters in the Serbian Assembly building after the 45-minute meeting, Dacic said that he told Vucic that he had "three wishes."

"I joked with the prime minister - since he is always frowning - that today is a holiday when wishes are made at midnight. My three wishes are to see Serbia join the EU in 2020, the second one is family-related, and the third is that the cooperation of the SPS-United Serbia coalition and the SNS may continue," Dacic said.

"The prime minister-designate laughed in response - we will see what happens next," Dacic said, adding that the proposed cooperation "means mutual respect, support, and functioning as one team."

Dacic's pre-election coalition partner, Dragan Markovic (JS), confirmed that today's meeting was not dedicated to "departments" but rather, "to Serbia's future," noting that investors require stability, and that the SPS-JS coalition would "contribute to this stability."

Vucic continued his consultations by meeting with SRS leader Vojislav Seselj.

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