Mufti says he is "targeted by regime"

Chief Mufti of the Islamic Community of Serbia <a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Muamer Zukorlić</a> says he is being "targeted by the regime and its media".

Izvor: B92

Monday, 28.02.2011.


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Chief Mufti of the Islamic Community of Serbia Muamer Zukorlic says he is being "targeted by the regime and its media". The leader of one of Serbia's rival Islamic communities spoke for B92 TV on Sunday. Mufti says he is "targeted by regime" Zukorlic also asserted that there were many who wished to vilify him, so they could "deal him a final political or otherwise blow at some point". The "manhunt" against him was being created via the Belgrade-based media who are raising tensions and "transmitting fear from the mufti", said Zukorlic. "The problem is the picture about what the mufti said created by the Belgrade media," Zukorlic stated, and added that "Serbia had no reason to be afraid" of him. The latest controversy involving the Novi Pazar-based mufti included personal attacks launched against activist Aida Corovic, who previously spoke critically about him. Corovic has in the meantime been assigned police protection, but Zukoric said she "had not been threatened with a single word". He went on to describe the activist as a "marginal personality created by the media". Muamer Zukorlic (Beta, file)

Mufti says he is "targeted by regime"

Zukorlić also asserted that there were many who wished to vilify him, so they could "deal him a final political or otherwise blow at some point".

The "manhunt" against him was being created via the Belgrade-based media who are raising tensions and "transmitting fear from the mufti", said Zukorlić.

"The problem is the picture about what the mufti said created by the Belgrade media," Zukorlić stated, and added that "Serbia had no reason to be afraid" of him.

The latest controversy involving the Novi Pazar-based mufti included personal attacks launched against activist Aida Ćorović, who previously spoke critically about him. Ćorović has in the meantime been assigned police protection, but Zukorić said she "had not been threatened with a single word".

He went on to describe the activist as a "marginal personality created by the media".

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