Belgrade marks anniversary of liberation in WW1

Belgrade marked the 95th anniversary of its liberation in World War I from occupation by Austria-Hungary by honoring Serbian soldiers.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 01.11.2013.


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BELGRADE Belgrade marked the 95th anniversary of its liberation in World War I from occupation by Austria-Hungary by honoring Serbian soldiers. During the gathering at the Serbian Army Hall, representatives of associations for nurturing the tradition of liberation wars said that they are proud of the Serbian soldiers and the fatherland. Belgrade marks anniversary of liberation in WW1 President of the City Committee of the Association of descendants of the soldiers in the liberation wars 1912-1920 Pavle Lucic said that the association will preserve the memory of the Serbian soldiers who fought in World War I. At the academy, Bishop Jovan of the Serbian Orthodox Church addressed the guests by delivering blessings of Patriarch Irinej, and said that the descendants of the Serbian soldiers in World War I should be honored to belong to the line of those who defended Belgrade 95 years ago. Prior to the academy, officials laid wreaths and honored the Serbian soldiers at the memorial for the defenders of Belgrade in World War I. Wreaths were laid by representatives of the City of Belgrade, members of the Society for nurturing the Serbian tradition until 1918 and officials of the Association of descendants of the soldiers in the liberation wars 1912-1920. On November 1, 1918, the Serbian First Army under the command of Duke Petar Bojovic liberated Belgrade, after 500 kilometers of territory crossed in the fight which lasted 45 days during which they made a fierce advance after breaking the Macedonian Front. From October 1 to November 1, 1918, the Serbian First Army liberated all major cities of the then Kingdom of Serbia and continued toward the north. After eight days, Novi Sad was liberated and the Austro-Hungarian Army was expelled from the city on November 9, 1918, and the entire territory of Serbia was liberated on November 3. (Beta, file) Tanjug

Belgrade marks anniversary of liberation in WW1

President of the City Committee of the Association of descendants of the soldiers in the liberation wars 1912-1920 Pavle Lučić said that the association will preserve the memory of the Serbian soldiers who fought in World War I.

At the academy, Bishop Jovan of the Serbian Orthodox Church addressed the guests by delivering blessings of Patriarch Irinej, and said that the descendants of the Serbian soldiers in World War I should be honored to belong to the line of those who defended Belgrade 95 years ago.

Prior to the academy, officials laid wreaths and honored the Serbian soldiers at the memorial for the defenders of Belgrade in World War I.

Wreaths were laid by representatives of the City of Belgrade, members of the Society for nurturing the Serbian tradition until 1918 and officials of the Association of descendants of the soldiers in the liberation wars 1912-1920.

On November 1, 1918, the Serbian First Army under the command of Duke Petar Bojović liberated Belgrade, after 500 kilometers of territory crossed in the fight which lasted 45 days during which they made a fierce advance after breaking the Macedonian Front.

From October 1 to November 1, 1918, the Serbian First Army liberated all major cities of the then Kingdom of Serbia and continued toward the north.

After eight days, Novi Sad was liberated and the Austro-Hungarian Army was expelled from the city on November 9, 1918, and the entire territory of Serbia was liberated on November 3.

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