Slovenian PM: Serbia should support sanctions

Slovenian Prime Minister Miro Cerar has recommended to Serbia to "support EU's sanctions against Russia."

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 26.11.2014.


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Slovenian PM: Serbia should support sanctions

"Serbs should know which political signal they are sending to the EU if they choose no to take part at least partially. If Serbia wants to be a serious EU candidate then it must accept our European rules, our policy."

Cerar stressed that the EU "must show Russia where the borders are."

The interviewer asserted that there are "indications that Russia intends to step up its engagement in the Balkans," to which Cerar replied that the issue is "burdened by the Ukrainian crisis."

"The EU must, in economic terms, remain open to Russia. We are neighbors and we must cooperate. At the same time the EU must not allow the Russian Federation to move borders by military force," said the Sovenian prime minister, stressing this was "unacceptable."

He confirmed that he had received "offers from Russia for state-owned enterprises" and announced that they would all be treated "in the same manner" - if it they do not violate the Slovenian and European law.

"Of course Russia has a political strategy for the Balkans, but at the same time we have to adhere to the letter of the law," said Cerar, adding that Russian investors are "welcome."

Speaking about the political situation in Slovenia, he said that Slovenians themselves are, for the most part, responsible for the crisis.

The rule of law and fundamental values ​​are weakened, politics is corrupt, the banking sector is undermined, Cerar pointed out, adding that "the general mood in Slovenia is very bad, while citizens feel that politics is responsible for the failure."

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