Security Council holds session on Kosovo

The UN Security Council will on Thursday hold a session convened at the request of Serbia and Russia, Tanjug has learned.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 15.09.2011.


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The UN Security Council will on Thursday hold a session convened at the request of Serbia and Russia, Tanjug has learned. The decision on holding the session was made after consultations at the UN Security Council that lasted several hours. Security Council holds session on Kosovo According to Tanjug's diplomatic sources, the session will be closed to public at the request of the Western countries. It will begin around midnight Central Europan Time (CET). Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic’s office has confirmed he will attend today's session. The UN Security Council held consultations on Wednesday evening in order to consider the letter in which Serbia calls on this body to prevent the Pristina authorities from reusing force in northern Kosovo. The session will be open for public only at the beginning, when the representatives of the UN Secretariat will hold a briefing. The UN Security Council (Beta, file)

Security Council holds session on Kosovo

According to Tanjug's diplomatic sources, the session will be closed to public at the request of the Western countries.

It will begin around midnight Central Europan Time (CET).

Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić’s office has confirmed he will attend today's session.

The UN Security Council held consultations on Wednesday evening in order to consider the letter in which Serbia calls on this body to prevent the Priština authorities from reusing force in northern Kosovo.

The session will be open for public only at the beginning, when the representatives of the UN Secretariat will hold a briefing.

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