URS offers economic program for new government

The United Regions of Serbia (URS) have offered an economic program for the future government to the Democrats and Socialists, the party told Beta news agency.

Izvor: Beta

Saturday, 23.06.2012.


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The United Regions of Serbia (URS) have offered an economic program for the future government to the Democrats and Socialists, the party told Beta news agency. The program envisages stronger discipline in public finances, support to the economy, development of agriculture, decentralization and reorganization of Serbia and professional management of public companies. URS offers economic program for new government However, the URS stated that the draft is open for changes and additions, especially in the field of social policy since both the Democratic Party (DS) and the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) are social-democratic parties. The URS proposed that urgent and radical measures for consolidation of public finances and reduction of budget deficit to around 4 percent of the GDP be adopted by September. The measures include scaling down the bureaucracy and elimination of unnecessary expenditures. The URS also proposes changes to the Law on VAT that would significantly improve solvency of companies. As a key point in the anti-crisis measures, the URS proposes subsidized loans for solvency and investments and claims that the program gave very good results and significantly softened the blow of first wave of the crisis from 2009 until 2010. The draft also envisages continuation and incitement of direct foreign investments through grants worth between EUR 4,000 and 10,000 for every new job. The URS also advocates a twice as big budget for agriculture and a guaranteed incentive system. The party proposes that mayors be elected in a direct vote, that new municipalities be formed in large cities and that republic institutions be decentralized. Mladjan Dinkic (Beta, file) Beta

URS offers economic program for new government

However, the URS stated that the draft is open for changes and additions, especially in the field of social policy since both the Democratic Party (DS) and the Socialist Party of Serbia (SPS) are social-democratic parties.

The URS proposed that urgent and radical measures for consolidation of public finances and reduction of budget deficit to around 4 percent of the GDP be adopted by September. The measures include scaling down the bureaucracy and elimination of unnecessary expenditures.

The URS also proposes changes to the Law on VAT that would significantly improve solvency of companies.

As a key point in the anti-crisis measures, the URS proposes subsidized loans for solvency and investments and claims that the program gave very good results and significantly softened the blow of first wave of the crisis from 2009 until 2010.

The draft also envisages continuation and incitement of direct foreign investments through grants worth between EUR 4,000 and 10,000 for every new job.

The URS also advocates a twice as big budget for agriculture and a guaranteed incentive system.

The party proposes that mayors be elected in a direct vote, that new municipalities be formed in large cities and that republic institutions be decentralized.

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