U.S. to continue cooperation with Thaci

The U.S. will continue to cooperate with Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci despite the CoE report linking him to crimes, the U.S. Department of State has announced.

Izvor: Tanjug

Saturday, 18.12.2010.


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The U.S. will continue to cooperate with Kosovo PM Hashim Thaci despite the CoE report linking him to crimes, the U.S. Department of State has announced. U.S. Department of State Philip Crowley has assessed that accusations of Thaci’s involvement in organ trafficking are “not going to change fundamentally U.S.-Kosovo relations”. U.S. to continue cooperation with Thaci “At this point, since any individual anywhere in the world is innocent until proven otherwise, he is the current prime minister, and we will continue to work with that government,” he stressed. “I don’t think it’s going to change fundamentally U.S.-Kosovo relations. I mean, they’re based on our mutual interest, not on specific personalities,” Crowley said. He repeated that the Washington administration was “fully supporting any investigation by a legitimate authority into these charges”. The Department of State spokesman explained that “some of these issues had been investigated before, but to the extent that this report sheds new light on these issues, they should be followed through”. According to Crowley, “if there’s new information that is revealed in this report, it should be fully investigated”.

U.S. to continue cooperation with Thaci

“At this point, since any individual anywhere in the world is innocent until proven otherwise, he is the current prime minister, and we will continue to work with that government,” he stressed.

“I don’t think it’s going to change fundamentally U.S.-Kosovo relations. I mean, they’re based on our mutual interest, not on specific personalities,” Crowley said.

He repeated that the Washington administration was “fully supporting any investigation by a legitimate authority into these charges”.

The Department of State spokesman explained that “some of these issues had been investigated before, but to the extent that this report sheds new light on these issues, they should be followed through”.

According to Crowley, “if there’s new information that is revealed in this report, it should be fully investigated”.

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