Russian envoy: Kosovo in Russia’s heart

Russian ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Konuzin said that Russia will continue to help defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia.

Izvor: FoNet

Sunday, 29.11.2009.


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Russian ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Konuzin said that Russia will continue to help defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Serbia. “Kosovo echoes in the hearts of all Russians with the same pain as it does in your hearts,” Konuzin said on Saturday at the election assembly of the United Serbia party. Russian envoy: Kosovo in Russia’s heart He said that relations between Belgrade and Moscow are on the rise. Konuzin said that the recentm visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Belgrade was “iportant for the united past” of the two countries, because a number of agreements which speak of the development of a special friendship between Serbia and Russia were signed, and because his visit marked the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade during World War II. He said that there will be cooperation between Belgrade and Moscow in the fields of infrastructure, energy, traffic, defense, economy and stopping natural catastrophes. Alexander Konuzin (FoNet archive)

Russian envoy: Kosovo in Russia’s heart

He said that relations between Belgrade and Moscow are on the rise.

Konuzin said that the recentm visit of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev to Belgrade was “iportant for the united past” of the two countries, because a number of agreements which speak of the development of a special friendship between Serbia and Russia were signed, and because his visit marked the 65th anniversary of the liberation of Belgrade during World War II.

He said that there will be cooperation between Belgrade and Moscow in the fields of infrastructure, energy, traffic, defense, economy and stopping natural catastrophes.

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