Ambassador: India's Kosovo stand consistent

Indian Ambassador to Serbia Ajay Swarup confirmed his country's stance on Kosovo in an interview published today.

Izvor: Tanjug

Monday, 31.03.2008.


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Indian Ambassador to Serbia Ajay Swarup confirmed his country's stance on Kosovo in an interview published today. "India's position on Kosovo has been and still is consistent, and that is that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of every country must be fully respected by all other countries," Swarup told the daily Vecernje Novosti. Ambassador: India's Kosovo stand consistent "We believed that the Kosovo issue could be resolved in a peaceful manner, by way of dialogue and consultations, and our stand has remained unchanged ever since 1999, when India upheld UN Resolution 1244, which ended the war," the ambassador continued. "We have always believed in peaceful solutions, because there is no issue that cannot be resolved through consultations and dialogue," Swarup insisted. He added that a "high level of India's support to Serbia" can be seen from the comments and articles which appeared in the Indian press following the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo's independence. Swarup also pointed out that Kosovo "can set a very dangerous precedent for similar cases around the world".

Ambassador: India's Kosovo stand consistent

"We believed that the Kosovo issue could be resolved in a peaceful manner, by way of dialogue and consultations, and our stand has remained unchanged ever since 1999, when India upheld UN Resolution 1244, which ended the war," the ambassador continued.

"We have always believed in peaceful solutions, because there is no issue that cannot be resolved through consultations and dialogue," Swarup insisted.

He added that a "high level of India's support to Serbia" can be seen from the comments and articles which appeared in the Indian press following the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo's independence.

Swarup also pointed out that Kosovo "can set a very dangerous precedent for similar cases around the world".

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