Serbia, Russia look to boost military-economic ties

Serbia and Russia "will draw up an analysis of the possibilities for improvement of military and economic cooperation", Aleksandar Vučić has announced.

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 28.11.2012.


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BELGRADE Serbia and Russia "will draw up an analysis of the possibilities for improvement of military and economic cooperation", Aleksandar Vucic has announced. The Serbian Defense Minister and First Deputy PM Aleksandar Vucic made the statement after his talks in Belgrade on Wednesday with Russian Deputy Prime Minister for Defense Dmitry Rogozin. Serbia, Russia look to boost military-economic ties This analysis, that will be produced by the two countries' negotiating teams will then be presented to the public on February 1, 2013. Vucic noted that the factory of armed combat vehicles should be completed in the Serbian town of Velika Plana by the end of the year which should export its products to Kenya and Bangladesh. Russia could produce a chassis and the body for the factory which could employ 192 workers by the end of June 2013, Vucic told a joint press conference with the Russian deputy prime minister. The Russian delegation headed by Rogozin also comprises directors of factories, including MiG Sukhoi and Rosoboronexport. Vucic told reporters that the Russian delegation was presented with the Serbian offer in terms of military-economic and military-defense cooperation. “We formed teams and they include representatives of the entire defense industry and all government bodies who have something to offer. We aim to exchange goods, purchase, produce together and sell on third markets,” Vucic said. When asked whether the Serbian Armed Forces are considering the purchase of combat planes from Russia, Vucic replied that Serbia wanted Russia to file some bids in 2010 but he added that he cannot disclose more details for now. Commenting on cooperation in the defense sector, Rogozin said that the first actual results of the cooperation between the two countries defense ministries had arrived.. Russia considered conducting projects with Serbia and concluded it was fully capable of production in that area and competitive, Rogozin noted. The essence of the two countries' cooperation is the modernization of their armed forces and export to other countries, he said, adding that a strategic partnership agreement was soon to be signed. The former Russian envoy to NATO hopes Serbia will become stronger once the agreements with Russia are completed, "making its enemies think before using weapons against it". (Beta) Tanjug

Serbia, Russia look to boost military-economic ties

This analysis, that will be produced by the two countries' negotiating teams will then be presented to the public on February 1, 2013.

Vučić noted that the factory of armed combat vehicles should be completed in the Serbian town of Velika Plana by the end of the year which should export its products to Kenya and Bangladesh.

Russia could produce a chassis and the body for the factory which could employ 192 workers by the end of June 2013, Vučić told a joint press conference with the Russian deputy prime minister.

The Russian delegation headed by Rogozin also comprises directors of factories, including MiG Sukhoi and Rosoboronexport.

Vučić told reporters that the Russian delegation was presented with the Serbian offer in terms of military-economic and military-defense cooperation.

“We formed teams and they include representatives of the entire defense industry and all government bodies who have something to offer. We aim to exchange goods, purchase, produce together and sell on third markets,” Vučić said.

When asked whether the Serbian Armed Forces are considering the purchase of combat planes from Russia, Vučić replied that Serbia wanted Russia to file some bids in 2010 but he added that he cannot disclose more details for now.

Commenting on cooperation in the defense sector, Rogozin said that the first actual results of the cooperation between the two countries defense ministries had arrived..

Russia considered conducting projects with Serbia and concluded it was fully capable of production in that area and competitive, Rogozin noted.

The essence of the two countries' cooperation is the modernization of their armed forces and export to other countries, he said, adding that a strategic partnership agreement was soon to be signed.

The former Russian envoy to NATO hopes Serbia will become stronger once the agreements with Russia are completed, "making its enemies think before using weapons against it".

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