Talibans took over responsibility for the assault on Croatian soldiers

Afghanistan's media reported that the Talibans had taken over responsibility for the assault of suicide bomber on the vehicle of Croatian army in Kabul

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 24.07.2019.


Talibans took over responsibility for the assault on Croatian soldiers

Talibans took over responsibility for the assault on Croatian soldiers

Hina reports that wounded soldiers are the members of the 10th Croatian contingent (HRVCON) which is situated in Afghanistan since March 2019, as a part of NATO Resolute Support Mission, while the members of the armed forces of Montenegro, North Macedonia, Albania and Bosnia-Herzegovina also belong to this Contingent.

According to the latest information, one Croatian soldier died, while the other two suffered serious injuries (one has broken leg, while the other has hand injury).

"This is an isolated assault, all the other members of this contingent are safe", Croatian Defense Minister Damir Krsticevic stated.

He added that he talked to the Croatian President Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, and with Prime Minister Andrej Plenkovic, who are acquainted with these incidents.

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