ODIHR on elections: Voting in 93 percent of polling stations was positively assessed

The ODIHR mission announced itself after the elections in Serbia.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 18.12.2023.


ODIHR on elections: Voting in 93 percent of polling stations was positively assessed

ODIHR on elections: Voting in 93 percent of polling stations was positively assessed

ODIHR positively evaluated voting in 93% of observed polling stations.

1. The elections offered voters an adequate choice between political alternatives.

2. Freedoms of expression and assembly were generally respected in the campaign.

3. The legal framework provides an adequate basis for conducting democratic elections.

4. The election administration efficiently and transparently conducted election preparations, despite the challenges posed by short deadlines and simultaneous local elections.

5. Numerous participants acknowledged the improved communication and transparency of the Republic Election Commission (REC), which led to increased trust in its work. The REC has effectively implemented the preparations for the elections, despite the limited human resources and the short time available before the early elections. The majority of participants had confidence in the organizational capacities of the REC, with many representatives of NGOs and political parties noticing improved communication and transparency.

6. There were no concerns about the inclusiveness of the voter lists, the REC published voter registration data broken down by municipality and polling station, providing interested parties the possibility for additional control. Overall, candidate registration was inclusive.

7. The recent legislative changes of 2022 improved the regulation of campaign finance and addressed several recommendations of the ODIHR and the Venice Commission.

8. Although the media covered all election participants in accordance with the law, most national broadcasters did not have proper analytical reporting, which reduced the ability of voters to make informed decisions.

9. Legislative changes extended the ban on broadcasters reporting on public officials participating in public infrastructure commissioning events, if they are candidates, from 10 to 30 days. This provision was generally respected.

10. ODIHR EOM media monitoring noted that all national broadcasters covered campaign activities in accordance with the law, providing equal air time to all participants.

11. Election Day was generally uneventful, but there were isolated incidents of physical attacks.

12. Polling stations were generally opened on time, with IEOM positively assessing the opening procedures in 118 out of 132 polling stations. Although procedures were generally followed, some deficiencies were noted.

13. The IEOM assessed voting positively in 93% of the 1,220 polling stations observed. Negative ratings were mostly attributed to overcrowding and insufficient measures to ensure the secrecy of the vote.

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