Bomb blast in Belgrade

An explosive device was activated just after midnight on Maksim Gorki Street in Belgrade in front of number 56, RTS reported this morning.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 29.02.2008.


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An explosive device was activated just after midnight on Maksim Gorki Street in Belgrade in front of number 56, RTS reported this morning. The police say the blast caused material damage. Bomb blast in Belgrade Belgrade TDI radio says that the attack was aimed at the station itself, and that employees have been exposed to threats, pressure and intimidation. "The full details - who, how and why - we will make available to the media upon completion of the MUP investigation," the radio station says in a statement. TDI adds that station officials will be informing the police during the day of the potential culprits, but that it is certain that the radio station was the target of the attack as the entrance to their premises is separate from the entrances to the building and a nearby cafe.

Bomb blast in Belgrade

Belgrade TDI radio says that the attack was aimed at the station itself, and that employees have been exposed to threats, pressure and intimidation. "The full details - who, how and why - we will make available to the media upon completion of the MUP investigation," the radio station says in a statement.

TDI adds that station officials will be informing the police during the day of the potential culprits, but that it is certain that the radio station was the target of the attack as the entrance to their premises is separate from the entrances to the building and a nearby cafe.

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