“NATO shield will test Russia’s relations with West”

Russia will organize a missile defense conference on May 3-4. NATO and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) reps have been invited to the conference.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 22.03.2012.


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Russia will organize a missile defense conference on May 3-4. NATO and Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) reps have been invited to the conference. Russia’s Deputy Defense Minister Anatoly Antonov has stated that the Defense Ministry has invited top missile defense experts, as well as CIS countries, China, India, South Korea. “NATO shield will test Russia’s relations with West” Antonov noted that the way the U.S. and NATO would respond to Moscow’s concern regarding the missile shield in Europe would be a test of the West’s relations with Moscow. The decision to set up the NATO missile system in Europe was adopted at a NATO summit in Lisbon in 2010. The Alliance will combine the existing national missile systems of NATO member states and use mobile elements of the U.S. missile technology. According to NATO plans, SAR radar in Turkey, missile bases in Romania and Poland and U.S. Navy ships stationed in the Spanish port of Rota will be used to set up the missile shield. The NATO missile shield in Europe will also include mobile radars for early detection of missile attacks which will be installed on Dutch Navy ships. In October 2011 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated that the missile defense shield would be fully operational by 2018. Russia and NATO reached an agreement in principle at the Lisbon summit to cooperate on a draft missile defense in Europe but negotiations came to a halt when the U.S. refused to give legal guarantees that the system will not be used against Russian forces. Russia in response to the plans to deploy the NATO missile system took a series of military-technical and diplomatic measures. A view of Kremlin (Tanjug) Tanjug

“NATO shield will test Russia’s relations with West”

Antonov noted that the way the U.S. and NATO would respond to Moscow’s concern regarding the missile shield in Europe would be a test of the West’s relations with Moscow.

The decision to set up the NATO missile system in Europe was adopted at a NATO summit in Lisbon in 2010. The Alliance will combine the existing national missile systems of NATO member states and use mobile elements of the U.S. missile technology.

According to NATO plans, SAR radar in Turkey, missile bases in Romania and Poland and U.S. Navy ships stationed in the Spanish port of Rota will be used to set up the missile shield.

The NATO missile shield in Europe will also include mobile radars for early detection of missile attacks which will be installed on Dutch Navy ships.

In October 2011 NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen stated that the missile defense shield would be fully operational by 2018.

Russia and NATO reached an agreement in principle at the Lisbon summit to cooperate on a draft missile defense in Europe but negotiations came to a halt when the U.S. refused to give legal guarantees that the system will not be used against Russian forces.

Russia in response to the plans to deploy the NATO missile system took a series of military-technical and diplomatic measures.

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