Radical Albanian party seeks "participation" in Montenegro

Self-Determination Movement leader Albin Kurti is considering the possibility for this Kosovo-based party to "indirectly" engage in Montenegro's political life.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 07.06.2013.


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PODGORICA Self-Determination Movement leader Albin Kurti is considering the possibility for this Kosovo-based party to "indirectly" engage in Montenegro's political life. According to Podgorica's Vijesti newspaper, the leader of the radical ethnic Albanian party is trying to find "the best model" for this - but "without it being perceived as a direct provocation toward the existing Albanian parties in Montenegro." Radical Albanian party seeks "participation" in Montenegro Kurti's goal is reportedly to help those parties improve the status of Albanians in Montenegro. Self-Determination activists on Tuesday briefly interrupted the Kosovo-Montenegro Friendship Forum, by putting up a banner reading, "Albanians are discriminated in Montenegro, this is no friendship," in front of the stage. Meanwhile, Mehmet Bardhi, leader of the Democratic Alliance of Albanians in Montenegro, has been quoted as saying that the "Albanian question" in that country has not been solved. Speaking on Thursday, Bardhi also noted that ethnic Albanians in Montenegro faced discrimination. Neither the government nor the opposition showed their readiness to accept Albanians as equal citizens, he further charged. According to Bardhi, nobody should be surprised if Albanians from Kosovo and Albania were to raise their voice against the discrimination of their compatriots in Montenegro. Self-Determination members take part in a protest in Kosovo (Beta, file) Tanjug

Radical Albanian party seeks "participation" in Montenegro

Kurti's goal is reportedly to help those parties improve the status of Albanians in Montenegro.

Self-Determination activists on Tuesday briefly interrupted the Kosovo-Montenegro Friendship Forum, by putting up a banner reading, "Albanians are discriminated in Montenegro, this is no friendship," in front of the stage.

Meanwhile, Mehmet Bardhi, leader of the Democratic Alliance of Albanians in Montenegro, has been quoted as saying that the "Albanian question" in that country has not been solved.

Speaking on Thursday, Bardhi also noted that ethnic Albanians in Montenegro faced discrimination.

Neither the government nor the opposition showed their readiness to accept Albanians as equal citizens, he further charged.

According to Bardhi, nobody should be surprised if Albanians from Kosovo and Albania were to raise their voice against the discrimination of their compatriots in Montenegro.

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