Bosnia recognizes Kosovo customs stamp

Bosnia-Herzegovina Council of Ministers has given its consent to accept Kosovo customs stamp.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 16.09.2011.


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Bosnia-Herzegovina Council of Ministers has given its consent to accept Kosovo customs stamp. The stamp’s design was agreed during the Belgrade-Pristina negotiations on September 2 in Brussels. Bosnia recognizes Kosovo customs stamp The Bosnia-Herzegovina government made the decision at a session on Thursday after it had adopted Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Ministry’s information from CEFTA Committee meeting. “Based on the information the Bosnia-Herzegovina Council of Ministers agrees to accept customs stamps submitted by UNMIK/Kosovo to all signatories of the CEFTA agreement, which are identical to the stamps that were agreed at the bilateral negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo’s authorities in Brussels on September 2, 2011,” it is said in the announcement. The Council of Ministers has put the Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Ministry in charge of forwarding the conclusion to the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency for final deliberation and adoption, the Council of Ministers added in the statement. Kosovo’s government decided on July 20 to introduce an embargo on goods from Serbia, claiming that the decision was a response to Serbia’s non-recognition of Kosovo customs which disabled export from Kosovo. The reciprocal measures also apply to Bosnia-Herzegovina and a 10-percent customs duty has been introduced for import of goods from Bosnia to Kosovo. On September 2 Belgrade and Pristina reached the agreement on Kosovo customs stamp which reads “Kosovo Customs” without any other symbols that could possibly indicate Kosovo’s statehood. Sarajevo (FoNet, file)

Bosnia recognizes Kosovo customs stamp

The Bosnia-Herzegovina government made the decision at a session on Thursday after it had adopted Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Ministry’s information from CEFTA Committee meeting.

“Based on the information the Bosnia-Herzegovina Council of Ministers agrees to accept customs stamps submitted by UNMIK/Kosovo to all signatories of the CEFTA agreement, which are identical to the stamps that were agreed at the bilateral negotiations between Serbia and Kosovo’s authorities in Brussels on September 2, 2011,” it is said in the announcement.

The Council of Ministers has put the Foreign Trade and Economic Relations Ministry in charge of forwarding the conclusion to the Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency for final deliberation and adoption, the Council of Ministers added in the statement.

Kosovo’s government decided on July 20 to introduce an embargo on goods from Serbia, claiming that the decision was a response to Serbia’s non-recognition of Kosovo customs which disabled export from Kosovo.

The reciprocal measures also apply to Bosnia-Herzegovina and a 10-percent customs duty has been introduced for import of goods from Bosnia to Kosovo.

On September 2 Belgrade and Priština reached the agreement on Kosovo customs stamp which reads “Kosovo Customs” without any other symbols that could possibly indicate Kosovo’s statehood.

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