Ivanovic's condition improves, remains unstable - doctors

Oliver Ivanovic's health condition has improved, but remains unstable, Milan Jakovljevic, a doctor at the Health Center in Kosovska Mitrovica, has said.

Izvor: Beta

Friday, 21.08.2015.


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(Tanjug, file)

Ivanovic's condition improves, remains unstable - doctors

According to Jakovljevic, who heads a team of doctors treating Ivanovic, Ivanovic is experiencing "recurring pain" that "resembles" that associated with angiosis, and is "receiving a complete therapy."

Ivanovic decided to start his hunger strike on August 7 after an EULEX judge rejected his request to be released from prison pending the outcome of his trial. Ivanovic was arrested in January 2014 and charged with war crimes committed against Albanian civilians in Kosovo.

Ivanovic has pleaded not guilty and asked to be released, but the request has been denied despite the Serbian government's guarantees he would remain available to the court at all times, and the fact none of the 45 prosecution witnesses heard so far during the trial linked him to the crimes he is accused of.

In a statement he wrote for the Belgrade-based daily Vecernje Novosti earlier, Ivanovic said that "he will not give up his hunger strike because he is leading a fight for the dignity of the Serb people."

“This is no longer just my fight. This is a struggle for a peaceful and dignified life for all Serbs who live in Kosovo and Metohija. I hope that I will emerge victorious out of this and that my battle will result in creating better and more benevolent institutions. EULEX mission has many weaknesses, but it has no new alternatives,” Ivanovic wrote, according to Tanjug.

Asked by a Vecernje Novosti reporter how he felt on the 14th day of his hunger strike, Ivanovic replied: “Not quite well.”

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