Chechens "clean" Mariupol; A military convoy from Belarus headed for the border

The special operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine has been going on for twenty-two days.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 17.03.2022.



Chechens "clean" Mariupol; A military convoy from Belarus headed for the border

Negotiations between the delegations of Russia and Ukraine continue today.

More than three million people have fled.

According to the American media, it is expected that the President of the USA, Joseph Biden, could announce a new decision of the American administration on sending military aid to Ukraine.

Moscow says that Ukraine's status, like that of Austria and Sweden, would be considered a compromise, and that "some of the wording of the agreement is close to an agreement." On the other hand, Kyiv is seeking security guarantees from its allies.

Chechens "clean" Mariupol

The Telegram channel "Operational Reports" published a video of the work of the Chechen special forces in Mariupol, which cleared the city of Ukrainian nationalists. According to the latest information, the fighters broke through the defense of the plant, where the nationalists from the Azov battalion are.

Military convoy from Belarus headed for the border?

A large military convoy was seen this morning in the Belarusian city of Gomel. According to information published by the Ukrainian television "Nexta", the convoy was moving towards the border with Russia.

Ministry of Defense published a photo of one of the downed Ukrainian drones

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