Thursday, 17.03.2022.


Chechens "clean" Mariupol; A military convoy from Belarus headed for the border

The special operation of the Russian Armed Forces in Ukraine has been going on for twenty-two days.

Izvor: B92

Chechens "clean" Mariupol; A military convoy from Belarus headed for the border IMAGE SOURCE

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pre 2 godine

Betsy Lalich, 19 March 2022 22:34)

What kind of gibberish are you posting , pulling comments out of the air. Tito double crossed the Soviets who actually freed Yugoslavia not Tito’s partisans who could never liberate Yugoslavia on their own. Unfortunately Yugoslavia was double crossed by Churchill and the west who chose Tito to head Yugoslavia . Go figure so called “Democratic” countries install a Communist in post war Yugoslavia. A strong army means nothing when you don’t have a unified state. Austro Hungary and the former Yugoslavia can attest to that. NATO will soon discover this as well with its aggressive invasions and posturing against free nations.


pre 2 godine

f course, any sane or intelligent person, knows the answer to that question.
(Betsy Lalich, 19 March 2022 22:34)

Well you neither sane or intelligent.

Betsy Lalich

pre 2 godine

Here is a bit of a reminder for those that forget or choose to deny :

Under Josip Broz "Tito", Yugoslavia developed one of the strongest militaries in all of Europe, and possibly, the world.

Who were the Yugoslavs afraid of?
Definitely not "The West", but so-called "Mother Russia" which became the heart of the Soviet Union.

Ask your neighbors, that were swallowed up but Soviet brutality, who they most feared.
Even half of Germany met the same fate.

Were there millions of people trying to escape to the Soviet Union and not "The West" ?

Of course, any sane or intelligent person, knows the answer to that question.


pre 2 godine

There is going to be a lot more cleaning up, more than 60 thousand Ukrianian troops have been cut off.

As for the idiots who are being brainwashed by western media, one only has to look at the Ukranian Defense Ministry false postings of war dead, now 7,000 and over 600 Russian Tanks and APC destroyed. Taking a page out of NATO propaganda and Solana, Shea, General Clark and the rest. Remember those clowns who reported hundreds of Serbian Tanks destroyed , at least 500. In actuality, they barely touched the Serbian Armor!! The Newsweek article reposted about General Wesley Clark , NATO and US propaganda in the bombing of Yugoslavia. https://www.newsweek.com/kosovo-cover-160273


pre 2 godine

There is going to be a lot more cleaning up, more than 60 thousand Ukrianian troops have been cut off.

As for the idiots who are being brainwashed by western media, one only has to look at the Ukranian Defense Ministry false postings of war dead, now 7,000 and over 600 Russian Tanks and APC destroyed. Taking a page out of NATO propaganda and Solana, Shea, General Clark and the rest. Remember those clowns who reported hundreds of Serbian Tanks destroyed , at least 500. In actuality, they barely touched the Serbian Armor!! The Newsweek article reposted about General Wesley Clark , NATO and US propaganda in the bombing of Yugoslavia. https://www.newsweek.com/kosovo-cover-160273

Betsy Lalich

pre 2 godine

Here is a bit of a reminder for those that forget or choose to deny :

Under Josip Broz "Tito", Yugoslavia developed one of the strongest militaries in all of Europe, and possibly, the world.

Who were the Yugoslavs afraid of?
Definitely not "The West", but so-called "Mother Russia" which became the heart of the Soviet Union.

Ask your neighbors, that were swallowed up but Soviet brutality, who they most feared.
Even half of Germany met the same fate.

Were there millions of people trying to escape to the Soviet Union and not "The West" ?

Of course, any sane or intelligent person, knows the answer to that question.


pre 2 godine

Betsy Lalich, 19 March 2022 22:34)

What kind of gibberish are you posting , pulling comments out of the air. Tito double crossed the Soviets who actually freed Yugoslavia not Tito’s partisans who could never liberate Yugoslavia on their own. Unfortunately Yugoslavia was double crossed by Churchill and the west who chose Tito to head Yugoslavia . Go figure so called “Democratic” countries install a Communist in post war Yugoslavia. A strong army means nothing when you don’t have a unified state. Austro Hungary and the former Yugoslavia can attest to that. NATO will soon discover this as well with its aggressive invasions and posturing against free nations.


pre 2 godine

f course, any sane or intelligent person, knows the answer to that question.
(Betsy Lalich, 19 March 2022 22:34)

Well you neither sane or intelligent.


pre 2 godine

There is going to be a lot more cleaning up, more than 60 thousand Ukrianian troops have been cut off.

As for the idiots who are being brainwashed by western media, one only has to look at the Ukranian Defense Ministry false postings of war dead, now 7,000 and over 600 Russian Tanks and APC destroyed. Taking a page out of NATO propaganda and Solana, Shea, General Clark and the rest. Remember those clowns who reported hundreds of Serbian Tanks destroyed , at least 500. In actuality, they barely touched the Serbian Armor!! The Newsweek article reposted about General Wesley Clark , NATO and US propaganda in the bombing of Yugoslavia. https://www.newsweek.com/kosovo-cover-160273

Betsy Lalich

pre 2 godine

Here is a bit of a reminder for those that forget or choose to deny :

Under Josip Broz "Tito", Yugoslavia developed one of the strongest militaries in all of Europe, and possibly, the world.

Who were the Yugoslavs afraid of?
Definitely not "The West", but so-called "Mother Russia" which became the heart of the Soviet Union.

Ask your neighbors, that were swallowed up but Soviet brutality, who they most feared.
Even half of Germany met the same fate.

Were there millions of people trying to escape to the Soviet Union and not "The West" ?

Of course, any sane or intelligent person, knows the answer to that question.


pre 2 godine

f course, any sane or intelligent person, knows the answer to that question.
(Betsy Lalich, 19 March 2022 22:34)

Well you neither sane or intelligent.


pre 2 godine

Betsy Lalich, 19 March 2022 22:34)

What kind of gibberish are you posting , pulling comments out of the air. Tito double crossed the Soviets who actually freed Yugoslavia not Tito’s partisans who could never liberate Yugoslavia on their own. Unfortunately Yugoslavia was double crossed by Churchill and the west who chose Tito to head Yugoslavia . Go figure so called “Democratic” countries install a Communist in post war Yugoslavia. A strong army means nothing when you don’t have a unified state. Austro Hungary and the former Yugoslavia can attest to that. NATO will soon discover this as well with its aggressive invasions and posturing against free nations.