Vučić: "Serbia should not recognize Kosovo in any way"

President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, told TV Prva that he believes that Serbia should not recognize Kosovo in any way.

Izvor: B92

Friday, 11.02.2022.


Printskrin: TV Prva

Vučić: "Serbia should not recognize Kosovo in any way"

"I don't think we need to accept or recognize independence in any way, but we need to work with Albanians from Kosovo on mutual cooperation. However, that is impossible because independence is all they want to talk about," Vucic added.

"I think that the Open Balkans is the best idea, it is a way to overcome our differences and bad relations. As far as justice is concerned, there is no doubt that Serbia has suffered great injustice. How is it possible that everyone has the right to secede from Yugoslavia?" And afterwards, there's no place for the Serbs to live," he explained.

Apart from Vucic, the talk show hosted playwright Biljana Srbljanovic and journalist Nikola Tomic.

"I think it is terribly important for the recovery of the nation to accept facts: We fought a war and we lost it. Healing process will be finished when we learn true facts in school", Srbljanovic replied.

The right to stronger oppression is not international law, it is primarily based on the UN Charter. Everything that happened to our country and people was done contrary to the UN, aggression was carried out against our country against the law. The question is - why would it end? Where would that end? I don't think we lost wars, nor were we responsible for all those wars. Serbia is always perceived as a hegemon in the Balkans in the eyes of great powers," he said.

"And there is no Serbia small enough that they would not call it great, they want to always weaken Serbia. Today, Serbia is apt to respond to all pressures, even when they do not exist, they are present every day on Kosovo and RS, and if you have all this in mind, it raises the question of what we can do," Vucic said.

Srbljanovic: "For me, Kosovo is an independent state"

Srbljanovic said that for her, Kosovo is an independent state and that Serbia should recognize its independence.

"Kosovo has been an independent state for 15 years, our neighbor with whom we must have a good relationship. Serbia should recognize it and I hope that everything is moving towards that," she said.

"There are large number of people of our nationality who want to stay there, all the wealth and roads are in vain if we are in a creeping war with the Albanians," said Srbljanović. "From 2018 onwards, there is only one criminal procedure for violence on sports events," Srbljanovic added.

"This is much more than a sport and an isolated show of fans. I feel uncomfortable when I see Ratko Mladic's graffiti. I care for the young people and the values ​​they grow with. As for Kosovo, emotionally, I would say that Serbian army should be present in every Serbian enclave and every Serbian monastery", said Nikola Tomic.

"I am in favor of the model of two Germanys - membership in the UN without formal mutual recognition, in return - Serbs there must be protected," Tomic said. "In Brussels in 2013, during the most difficult pressures, we managed to reject the UN members, even though everyone in the government was in favor of it. Only because I was against it, we managed to remove point 14," he said.

"Terrible crime in Srebrenica"

Speaking about Srebrenica, Vučić mentioned that he was in Potočari to mark the 20th anniversary of the Srebrenica massacre to lay wreaths.

"I bowed my head and that was the only moment when I bowed my head, even though I was present at the event that was worse than the worst lynching. We need to show reverence and respect for the victims," ​​Vucic said.

Vučić said that it had become a language and a political matrix for the attack on Serbia. "Go to any Sarajevo portal, you will see 'genocidal Serbia', 'Chetniks' a thousand times... It is much more dangerous than seeing a dozen graffiti. What is happening on the Internet is 1000 times more dangerous than what you will see on some wall. Even after 30 years, we have not managed to overcome that and show elementary respect for others," he added.

"Even they talk about many times more victims in Jasenovac than in Srebrenica, I consider it a horrible crime, everything else is legal wording", he continued.

"Don't tell us one thing and something else in the background. One word from me could cost our country dearly in politics, both legally and in every other way. I can't stand chauvinism either, it's important for us to show respect for Bosniak victims", Vucic said.

"I am very tired of these topics and I am not saying that they are not important, but they are not the only ones. I think that there are topics of the future that we should deal with. I do not want to declare myself out of spite, because unfortunately one legal definition has turned into a means of political manipulation. If you do not say that it was genocide, you are a Chetnik and the worst in the world, if you say no, then you are destroying RS," Tomic said.

"Seven thousand scattered bones, it is important, certain mothers out there are still looking for their own sons. I think that this is a topic that must not be trivialized and that we must face what we did and what we did not do," Srbljanovic replied.

"We should not change the leadership of RS under EU's request"

"Citizens of Serbia vote here, you have procedures that are very strict and you have to complete 7 procedures to be able to obtain Serbian citizenship. Some 10-11 percent of Serbs from RS have Serbian citizenship, and about 4.000 of them voted, for example. The Serbian government sent an invitation for the event in Orašac and invited the ambassadors, I did not even invite them to the reception I am organizing. Minister Darja Kisic Tepavcevic wrote on the invitations that Serbia is organizing it in cooperation with RS and Dodik because for years, we have a joint reception, as our people, the same people live in two different countries. I don't know why that would bother anyone", Vucic said, adding:

As for me, European Union ambassadors were wrong to refuse to come to a celebration of Serbia’s Statehood Day on February 15 because of the announced presence of Bosnia-Herzegovina Presidency member Milorad Dodik. “I think they are wrong because we are organizing this, we are the hosts… We have no intention to exclude Republika Srpska leadership just because EU is asking for it,” Vucic said.

"We don't want to join NATO"

“Serbia is military neutral and wants to safeguard the country on its own, protect its skies, keep its people safe and has a 10 fold stronger military today, not to threaten anyone but to be able to keep its children safe to prevent any attack by the more powerful,” Vucic said. He said that Serbia wants freedom, cooperation with everyone, but does not want to join NATO.

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"Ponos said that it is a question for the future, it only speaks of the hypocrisy and untruths they took to, there will be some moments when you cannot speak with rational arguments, it is not politics," he said.

"I tried not to offend anyone"

"When you talk about responsibility, I accept that the government must be more responsible, but I think that is shown. When you look at the level and number of insults that come, those things are not comparable. I will not talk about who insults someone's family and children, without being offered any response. I tried not to offend anyone, I certainly exaggerated a few times, but I never exceeded the elementary code of decency", says Vucic.

"I heard more than once, my son was portrayed as a member of the Kavac clan. And today they report that the same Kavac clan wants to kill me. My response to all that was full of peace and tolerance," he said.

"When brutal lies were spread about the Jovanjica affair, I watched in amazement for ten days and didn't say a word. Then they say I'm silent, I'm hiding. When I respond to the accusations, then they find fault with my answering," he said.

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