Deadline expires, election lists submitted

At midnight, the deadline for the submission of lists for November 3 local elections in Kosovo expired. A single Serb list, called "Serbia", was also submitted.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 05.09.2013.


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PRISTINA, KOSOVSKA MITROVICA At midnight, the deadline for the submission of lists for November 3 local elections in Kosovo expired. A single Serb list, called "Serbia", was also submitted. According to the latest data the Central Electoral Commission has so far received a total of 96 lists, 18 of which from Serbs. Deadline expires, election lists submitted Heads of the Kosovo and Kosovsko Pomoralje districts Vladeta Kostic and Srdjan Mitrovic submitted the Civil Initiative List Serbia in Pristina. Kostic said that the list has candidates for the ten municipalities in Kosovo, six of which for mayors south of the Ibar River. He said that within the list were candidates for the four municipalities in northern Kosovo, but did not know their names given that the applications in the north were made through the OSCE. Vice President of the Municipal Assembly Leposavic Aleksandar Jablanovic presented to the representatives of the OSCE the electoral list "Serbia" with candidates for councilors and mayors of the four municipalities in northern Kosovo. Candidatein Kosovska Mitrovica is Krstimir Pantic, in Zubin Potok Stevan Vulovic, in Leposavic Dragan Jablanovic, and in Zvecane Jovan Teodosijevic. Jablanovic explained that the list, that official Belgrade stands behind, was handed over to the OSCE in Kosovska Mitrovica. Former official in the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija Oliver Ivanovic has also decided to run in the municipality of North Mitrovica. Lists with candidates who will run in the November 3 elections were also submitted by Albanian political parties, Goranis, and Montenegrins. B92 Tanjug

Deadline expires, election lists submitted

Heads of the Kosovo and Kosovsko Pomoralje districts Vladeta Kostić and Srđan Mitrović submitted the Civil Initiative List Serbia in Priština.

Kostić said that the list has candidates for the ten municipalities in Kosovo, six of which for mayors south of the Ibar River.

He said that within the list were candidates for the four municipalities in northern Kosovo, but did not know their names given that the applications in the north were made through the OSCE.

Vice President of the Municipal Assembly Leposavić Aleksandar Jablanović presented to the representatives of the OSCE the electoral list "Serbia" with candidates for councilors and mayors of the four municipalities in northern Kosovo.

Candidatein Kosovska Mitrovica is Krstimir Pantić, in Zubin Potok Stevan Vulović, in Leposavić Dragan Jablanović, and in Zvečane Jovan Teodosijević. Jablanović explained that the list, that official Belgrade stands behind, was handed over to the OSCE in Kosovska Mitrovica.

Former official in the Ministry for Kosovo and Metohija Oliver Ivanović has also decided to run in the municipality of North Mitrovica.

Lists with candidates who will run in the November 3 elections were also submitted by Albanian political parties, Goranis, and Montenegrins.

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