Milošević’s widow, daughter lose Belgrade villa

The Higher Court in Belgrade has reached a decision in a lawsuit against Mirjana Marković and Marija Milošević, B92 has learned.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 15.06.2011.


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The Higher Court in Belgrade has reached a decision in a lawsuit against Mirjana Markovic and Marija Milosevic, B92 has learned. Slobodan Milosevic's widow and daughter have lost their property rights over a villa in Belgrade. Milosevic’s widow, daughter lose Belgrade villa The court has rejected the respondents' appeal as unfounded. The Higher Court has ruled that the commission's 1999 decisions and contracts between the Serbian government and Slobodan Milosevic are null and void. The court has annuled Serbian government's Housing Commission's decision from March 15 and 16, 1999, allowing Milosevic to use the house in 34 Uzicka St. in Belgrade, lease agreement signed on March 19, 1999 between the Serbian government as a lessor and Milosevic as a lessee and a lease agreement for the same house signed on July 15, 1999. The Higher Court has adopted the prosecution's request and will take away Markovic and Milosevic's property rights. File photo of Marko Milosevic and Mirjana Markovic

Milošević’s widow, daughter lose Belgrade villa

The court has rejected the respondents' appeal as unfounded.

The Higher Court has ruled that the commission's 1999 decisions and contracts between the Serbian government and Slobodan Milošević are null and void.

The court has annuled Serbian government's Housing Commission's decision from March 15 and 16, 1999, allowing Milošević to use the house in 34 Užička St. in Belgrade, lease agreement signed on March 19, 1999 between the Serbian government as a lessor and Milošević as a lessee and a lease agreement for the same house signed on July 15, 1999.

The Higher Court has adopted the prosecution's request and will take away Marković and Milošević's property rights.

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