Resignations submitted

President of Parliament of Montenegro, Danijela Djurović, ministers of justice and education, Marko Kovač and Miomir Vojinović, left Socialist People's Party.

Izvor: Tanjug

Tuesday, 16.05.2023.


Resignations submitted

Resignations submitted

Nebojša Vuksanović did the same.

The reason for their resignations, as the newspaper unofficially learns, are "deep and insurmountable differences with the leadership of the SNP related to the directions of action of that party, which, as the source said, are going to the right and damaging the image of the civil party, which in essence was the SNP".

Vuksanović was the holder of the SNP list in the local elections in Podgorica in October last year.

Those officials of the SNP did not accept the parliamentary candidacies at the session of the Main Board last night, the portal of the RTCG in the SNP was told.

The list of the SNP will be submitted today to the State Election Commission, preceding the parliamentary elections on June 11.

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