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Error 404; "Go Home"

Just hours after Donald Trump was sworn in as president, the new administration has removed the Spanish version of the White House's official website, Reuters reported.

Izvor: Tanjug

Error 404; "Go Home"
Shutterstock/Bigc Studio


Now users who try to open the Spanish-language version of the White House site get an error message - "Error 404", which means that the page no longer exists or is not available.

In addition, an option called "Go Home" redirected users to a page with videos showing Trump during his first year as president and during his campaign.

Later, that option was changed to "Go To Home Page", which means it is now linked to the homepage of the site.

The change caused confusion among Latino rights groups, as well as others who expressed displeasure at what they said was the administration's lack of effort to maintain communication with the Latino community that helped propel Trump to power.

The Spanish version of the White House's IX profile, "@LaCasaBlanca" has also been taken down.

On the other hand, the Spanish versions of other government agencies, such as the Ministry of Labour, Justice and Agriculture, were still available to users yesterday.

When asked about the changes, White House Deputy Press Secretary Harrison Fields said the administration was "committed to restoring the Spanish version of the site."

"This is the second day. We are in the process of developing, editing and setting up the White House website.

As part of this ongoing work, some of the archived content is temporarily unavailable. We are committed to re-uploading that content in a short amount of time," Fields said.

Trump also removed the Spanish version of the site in 2017, when White House officials also said they would reintroduce it.

It wasn't until the next US president, Joseph Biden, that the site was reinstated in 2021.


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