Region 0



Health condition of the injured in the Cetinje massacre: Three in stable condition

Three patients wounded in the massacre in Cetinje, who are in the Clinical Center of Montenegro, are successfully recovering.

Izvor: RINA

Health condition of the injured in the Cetinje massacre: Three in stable condition


"Also, the fourth patient, whose condition was critical and uncertain all the time, is showing signs of recovery as of today. It has been five days since their admission and surgical procedures," it was confirmed for RINA in KCCG.

They remind that the Ministry of Health activated the SOS line for psychological support to all who need it after the tragic event in Cetinje.

The telephone line was established thanks to the involvement of the Clinic for Psychiatry of the Clinical Center of Montenegro and the Association of Psychologists, with the technical support of Telekom, which approved the number 1555 for this purpose and enabled calls from all networks to be free.

Calls from citizens who need advice and psychological support will be answered by almost 40 professionals.


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