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Vučić after the meeting with Director Kopman: I want to thank European Commission for supporting Serbia PHOTO

President of the Republic of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, met with the Director General of the European Commission's Directorate for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations, Gert Jan Koopman.

Izvor: B92.net

Vučić after the meeting with Director Kopman: I want to thank European Commission for supporting Serbia PHOTO


"An important and meaningful conversation with the Director General of the Directorate for Enlargement of the European Commission about Serbia's European path, the reform agenda and opportunities for new steps in the process of our country's accession to the European Union.

I informed Mr. Koopman about the progress we are making in the reform process, as well as about the plans for accelerating the dynamics of fulfilling that agenda. I reiterated the expectation that these efforts will be recognized as soon as possible by the member countries and supported by a consensus regarding the opening of Cluster 3 in our accession process.

I thanked the European Commission for the support it provides to our country on the path of growth, modernization and fulfillment of the conditions for EU accession," wrote Vučić with photos from the meeting with Koopman.


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