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The continuation of the Kecmanović trial: Hearing of the witnesses to follow today

In the High Court in Belgrade today, the trial of the father and mother of the boy who killed nine children and the school's guard at the Vladislav Ribnikar Elementary School on May 3 should continue with the hearing of witnesses.

Izvor: Tanjug

The continuation of the Kecmanović trial: Hearing of the witnesses to follow today
Antonio Ahel/ATAImages


As Tanjug learns, the history teacher who was wounded at the time, the boy's nanny and the policemen who searched Kecmanović's apartment were called as witnesses to today's trial.

The owner of the shooting range where the minor K.K. learned to shoot, Ratko Ivanović, recently entered into a plea agreement with the Higher Public Prosecutor's Office in Belgrade, on the basis of which the court declared him guilty of the criminal offense of giving a false statement and sentenced him to six months of house arrest.

In this case, the trial continues with the boy's parents, Vladimir and Miljana Kecmanović, and shooting range instructor Nemanja Marinković, who is accused of the criminal offense of giving false testimony.

At the previous trials, Miljana and Vladimir Kecmanović presented their defense and answered the questions of the prosecution, the court, the defenders and the injured parties, but they did not want to answer the questions of the attorneys of the injured parties.

The Kecmanovic couple has denied guilt since the beginning of this proceeding. In this case, the court closed the trial to the public for reasons of protecting the interests of minor victims.

The boy's father was accused of committing a crime - a serious crime against general safety, because he took his 13-year-old child to the shooting range and taught him to shoot, as well as for not adequately storing weapons in the house.

The boy's mother, Miljana Kecmanović, was charged because her DNA was found on a shell casing in the classroom where the massacre was committed.

The boy K.K., who at the time of this crime was not yet 14 years old and therefore not criminally responsible, shot his friends with two of his father's pistols that he took on May 1.

Then on the fateful day, he put them in his backpack, went to school and during the first lesson killed 10 people and injured five children and a history teacher.


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