Red Star start Champions League campaign with draw

Red Star played 0-0 against Napoli in front of 53,000 people at its home stadium in Belgrade, in the opening game of the Champions League's groups stage.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 19.09.2018.


Red Star start Champions League campaign with draw

Red Star start Champions League campaign with draw

Although many thought that Red Star would be "points fodder" in its group, the tram played a solid match against Italy's vice-champions, led this year by coach Carlo Ancelotti.

The Belgraders chose to spend the majority of the game defending - and succeeded in what what obviously the intention: not to lose.

Napoli came across as a powerful, high-class team, but having ball possession, controlling the game, and being a much more dangerous rival wasn't enough to break the Serbian defenses.

In the other Group C match, Liverpool beat PSG 3-2.

Red Star will face PSG on October 3.

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