The Croatian police announced: The cause of the poisoning was discovered

The police in Croatia made a statement regarding the poisoning in Rijeka, and as they said, it is most likely a detergent or degreaser.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 09.11.2023.


The Croatian police announced: The cause of the poisoning was discovered
Foto: Shutterstock/Me dia

The Croatian police announced: The cause of the poisoning was discovered

In 20 glass bottles of the same drink received in the original packaging, it was determined that there was a transparent liquid with a pH of 3.5, which corresponds to the pH values of such drinks.

The police sent a statement on the results of the "Ivan Vučetić" Center for Forensic Investigations and Expertise, which performed expert opinions on disputed and undisputed samples that were delivered to it by order of the Municipal State Prosecutor's Office in Rijeka.

The results of the forensic examination of the liquid from the glass consumed by the injured person in terms of physical and chemical properties match the liquid from the bottle of flavored soft drink that was served to him, while the analysis determined that it was a highly alkaline aqueous solution (pH=13.6), the police announced.

Based on the established chemical composition, it can be concluded that it is a detergent and/or degreaser, say the police.

After several cases of poisoning in Croatia, investigated whether there is any cause for concern in Serbia.

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