Russian Ambassador to Serbia "rebuked" his US counterpart: Those are fabrications

Statements by US Ambassador to Serbia Anthony Godfrey "on the malign influence of Moscow in Europe" is Washington's fabrication, striving for global domination

Izvor: Tanjug

Wednesday, 07.08.2019.


Russian Ambassador to Serbia
Foto: Tanjug / Dragan Kujundžiæ

Russian Ambassador to Serbia "rebuked" his US counterpart: Those are fabrications

Russian Ambassador to Serbia, Alexander Botsan-Kharchenko claims for "Vecernje novosti" that Washington "makes great efforts in waging its awkward ideological battle, putting to use its overt propagandistic machinery, no longer worrying about any arguments in support of its fabrications".

Russian Ambassador pointed out that Moscow principally does not accept the logics of "opposing" and "competing", imposed by such comments on the US part.

Botsan-Kharchenko also notes that it is surprising that the main assignments of the US mission to Serbia concern exclusively Serbia's internal affairs.

"It presents their direct interference in Serbia's internal matters. Strangely enough, setting off the work of the Special War Crimes Tribunal for the KLA is not on the list of their priorities," the Russian ambassador added.

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