"Nothing's changed - don't let Kosovo join Interpol"

Serbian Interior Minister Nebojsa Stojanovic has asked Interpol leaders that the organization not consider <a href="https://www.b92.net/eng/news/politics.php?yyyy=2019&mm=02&dd=26&nav_id=106290" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Kosovo's latest application</a> for membership.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 01.03.2019.


(Getty Images, file, illustration)

"Nothing's changed - don't let Kosovo join Interpol"

Since Interpol's General Assembly held in Dubai in 2018 (that rejected Pristina's membership bid), no fundamental changes have taken place which would lead to departing from the decision not to accept so-called Kosovo, he wrote, adding:

"In fact, the only change that has occurred goes in favor of the position of the Republic of Serbia against this application, and is seen in the growing number of states that have withdrawn their recognition of so-called Kosovo."

In his letter, Stefanovic reiterated Serbia's arguments that unambiguously point out that even a consideration of Pristina's request represents a gross violation of international law, as well as the highest acts of Interpol itself.

"The conditions for admission to Interpol are regulated by the Constitution of Interpol and the resolution on the procedure for admission, which clearly states that Interpol membership is open only to states. Putting this application on the agenda once again would drastically politicize the work of this professional police organization and is in stark contrast with the Constitution of Interpol," Stefanovic pointed out.

He recalled that according to the Constitution of Interpol "it is strictly forbidden for the organization to undertake any kind of intervention or activity of a political, military, religious or racial nature", while the status of the southern Serbian province is determined by UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which Interpol is under obligation to respect.

"Considering so-called Kosovo for membership would definitely lead to Interpol engaging in activities of a political nature, but also to its instrumentalization for political purposes," he wrote.

"One in a series of clear confirmations of our point of view against this bid is certainly a rejection of the membership application of so-called Kosovo at the General Assembly of Interpol in Dubai in 2018. Therefore, I think that you should take into account the position of the Republic of Serbia, and not give consideration to (Pristina's) submitted application for membership in Interpol," Stefanovic concluded.

In addition to the secretary general and president of Interpol, Stefanovic also sent letters and all members of the Executive Committee separately, with a request to vote against this application during the forthcoming gathering.

So-called Kosovo has recently sent an application for membership to the Interpol General Secretariat, which, in accordance with procedures, forwards it to the Executive Committee, the statement said.

As explained, the Committee decides whether this application will be included on the agenda of the General Assembly of Interpol, i.e., whether member states will vote on it. A two-thirds majority is needed to approve such an application.

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