Post-election road to new government explained

<a href="" class="text-link" target= "_blank">Serbia on Sunday held early parliamentary elections</a>, with the final results due to be announced by April 28 at 20:00 CET, at the latest.

Izvor: B92

Monday, 25.04.2016.


Post-election road to new government explained

Post-election road to new government explained

Electoral regulations envisage that the first sitting of the new assembly must be held with 30 days at the latest from the day the final results have been announced. After this, the process of forming a new government begins.

The new legislative term of office starts with the confirmation of mandates of at least two thirds of deputies during the first session of the newly elected assembly.

Once this takes place, the government must be formed within the next 90 days - otherwise the new assembly is dissolved.

According to the Serbian Constitution, the president of the republic nominates a candidate for prime minister to the National Assembly, after consulting with representatives of electoral lists represented in the assembly.

The candidate then presents his or her cabinet's program to the assembly and nominates its members, while the assembly votes simultaneously to elect the prime minister and members of the government, and on the government's program.

A new government is elected if it receives a majority of votes of the total number of deputies - i.e., at least 126.

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