Ex-Railways boss arrested in Belgrade

Serbian police (MUP) have placed former Serbian Railways Director Milanko Šarančić under arrest, B92 has learned.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 02.06.2010.


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Serbian police (MUP) have placed former Serbian Railways Director Milanko Sarancic under arrest, B92 has learned. Three more people have been detained in the case. Ex-Railways boss arrested in Belgrade Sarancic is suspected of abusing his official position at the helm of the public company to incur damages worth EUR 1.2mn. The case concerns Sarancic's decision to buy six diesel engines from Slovenia and ten from Sweden in 2004.

Ex-Railways boss arrested in Belgrade

Šarančić is suspected of abusing his official position at the helm of the public company to incur damages worth EUR 1.2mn.

The case concerns Šarančić's decision to buy six diesel engines from Slovenia and ten from Sweden in 2004.

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