Vučić: The hatred they sow is their problem

President Vučić addressed the citizens of Serbia and referred to current issues. He talked about the elections, the opposition, attacks on his family...

Izvor: B92

Saturday, 18.11.2023.


Vučić: The hatred they sow is their problem

Vučić: The hatred they sow is their problem

"The hatred they sow and spread is their problem," said Vučić at the very beginning, commenting on the show about him, which was broadcast on N1.

"Nobody has the right to talk about my family, since they don't know it, it's neither decent nor humane," he said, stressing that the political connotations are much more important.

He noted that everyone from the opposition parties actually submits a report to Dragan Šolak.

"He thinks he can do everything in this country," said Vučić. "Their campaign came down to two things, one is hatred towards the Vučić family. Pathological hatred. And the second thing is that they harnessed themselves to protect a criminal, Dragan Šolak," he continued.

"I have no fear that someone will vote for Dragan Djilas, they think that the government must change after some time," he said, adding Angela Merkel as an example.

He pointed out that the popularity of the opposition faces serious decline.

About the video of him baking pancakes

Vučić also said that the video of him baking pancakes is controversial, because he does not insult anyone in that video.

"The problem is when they're dehumanizing someone, and then when something comes up that's not a day job, unfortunately you can't always be smiling. Nobody's going to make a decision until you approve," he said, alluding to that recording.

About Dragan Bjelogrlić: "From sandwich makers to beasts" ​

Vučić also referred to Dragan Bjelogrlić's guest appearance on Croatian television.

"We have evolved from sandwich makers to beasts, now even making pancakes is considered violence," said Vučić. He noted that the opposition often does not even know how to use its research properly.

"They don't know how to focus on the message to the people themselves. For now, they have three, namely: We hate Vučić and his family; Let's support the private business of Šolak and Djilas, and if they lose, the message will be "Let's kill them, we have to rule. "

About the Post Office strike

In response to the opposition's comments on strikes, he said that every day since he has been president there has been a strike in Serbia.

Commenting on the problem with the police entering the Post Office, he said that the police "had at least three legal reasons for entering the Post Office". He also added that one of the union members works for the interests of Dragan Šolak.

"There were also many good, honest people there, who were not politicized, and whose problems were not listened to," he added. He also referred to the writings that the postmen's strike should continue. "They hope that there will be no postmen, who will not be able to deliver pensions to pensioners."

"With us, only pensioners feel the state as their own, everyone else just wants to take from the state," said Vučić, explaining the motive of some other political actors, adding that they want power only because the state has money today.

Constant care for the people

Apart from his political rivals, Vučić also spoke about his plans for the next period.

He stated that, in addition to the expected increase in salaries from January, there could be an additional increase in those incomes from May or June.

"It is important to me that our people have good health, that we return dentistry and dentists to Serbia, that we show how we can constantly take care of them," said Vučić.

"Soon, a list of people, signatures and their works will come out that will support a text that will come out, so you have Majić and Bjelogrlić on one side, and all these personalities on the other," he added.

He thanked the citizens who supported him with signatures.

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