Belgrade Irish Festival to be held March 13-22

The Belgrade Irish Festival (BIF) will be held at several locations from March 13 until March 22, the event's organizers have announced.

Izvor: Tanjug

Friday, 06.03.2015.


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Belgrade Irish Festival to be held March 13-22

The star of this year's festival, organized for the third time, is Irish singer and composer Lisa Hannigan who will perform in the Belgrade Youth Centre on March 21, Tanjug said.

During the concert, Hannigan will promote her two studio albums and she will also sing several scores from her new album which should be released soon. Hannigan will appear on stage together with the Belgrade band Stray Dogg.

This year's BIF will feature "a rich film program and several theater plays."

The play "Dancing at Lughnasa" by Brian Friel will be performed in the Belgrade Drama Theater, while "The Dreaming of the Bones: A Balkan Session," based on the play written by Nobel prize winner William Butler Yeats, will be performed on March 16 with another performance on March 18 in UK Parobrod.

Seven films will be screened in the Yugoslav Cinematheque and Fontana Cinema, and the organizers qualified as especially interesting the films "Fast Food" and "Frank," a comedy by Lenny Abrahamson.

Poetry reading featuring pieces by William Butler Yeats will be organized in the Cultural Center of Belgrade on World Poetry Day.

In honor of Saint Patrick's Day, Belgrade will use green lights to illuminate the Ada Bridge "and thus for the first time join other world metropolises observing March 17 by light-shows within the global Irish green-up campaign."

The visitors will have a chance to taste "specialties of traditional Irish cuisine which will be served in Belgrade restaurants at promotional prices."

The BIF supporters include the EU Delegation in Serbia and the Irish embassy.

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