Poll: Only 21% of Serbians are in favor of early elections

Currently, only 21 percent of Serbian citizens support the idea of holding another early parliamentary election, shows a Faktor Plus poll that B92 has seen.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 08.12.2016.


Poll: Only 21% of Serbians are in favor of early elections
(Tanjug, file, illustration purposes)

Poll: Only 21% of Serbians are in favor of early elections

Serbia is to hold regular presidential elections in 2017- yet only one third of respondents said they had any interest in this ballot - 12 percent "greatly," 21 percent "partially," while 27 percent said they were "indifferent."

Those "partially uninterested" in next year's presidential election currently amount to 23 percent, while those "completely uninterested" are now at 17 percent.

The Faktor Plus' "political barometer" survey this December also asked about what Serbia's future EU accession "means" to respondents.

This multiple choice question yielded these responses:

  • Respecting order and rule of law - 57 percent
  • Better living standard - 45 percent
  • Financial support to Serbia - 56 percent
  • Greater security - 18 percent
  • Respecting human and other rights - 21 percent
  • Loss of sovereignty - 38 percent
  • Deterioration of relations with Russia - 15 percent
  • Loss of Kosovo - 59 percent
  • Destruction of national economy - 26 percent
  • Loss of national identity - 38 percent
  • Betrayal of one's country - 11 percent
  • Something else - 15 percent

The survey was conducted December 1-8, as a telephone poll that included 1,180 respondents in the territory of Serbia, excluding Kosovo and Metohija.

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