Serbia "grateful to Spain for respecting our integrity"

President Tomislav Nikolic received on Thursday a letter of credence from newly appointed Ambassador of the Kingdom of Spain in Belgrade Miguel Fuertes Suarez.

Izvor: Tanjug

Thursday, 02.07.2015.


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Serbia "grateful to Spain for respecting our integrity"

Serbia-Spain relations, based on mutual respect and shared values, are very good and friendly, Nikolic said, adding that it is Serbia's desire to continue improving close relations with Spain.

The Spanish ambassador said that the credentials he is giving today are accompanied by a message of friendship and good will from the country's king, and its the prime minister, "and wishes for further improvement in excellent relations between the two countries and two peoples."

"Spain is very glad to be involved in Serbia's EU integration, and although aware that the process might sometimes be complex, it will fulfill its role of Serbia's friend and partner along that path," Suarez said.

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