EU, U.S. address situation in Western Balkans

B92 has seen a draft version of a joint statement that the EU and U.S. will present at the end of today’s summit, part of which concerns the West Balkans.

Izvor: B92

Tuesday, 10.06.2008.


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B92 has seen a draft version of a joint statement that the EU and U.S. will present at the end of today’s summit, part of which concerns the West Balkans. In the section dealing with the West Balkans, both the EU and the U.S. underline the importance of European and trans-Atlantic integration as substantial elements, and promoters of stability and economic progress for the entire region. EU, U.S. address situation in Western Balkans At the same time, the EU’s determination and commitment regarding the accelerated membership of all the Western Balkans states is welcomed. The EU and the U.S. hail the progress of Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro in the process of EU and NATO integration, as well as the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and Serbia, as confirmation of Serbia’s European perspective and an important step on its European path. The statement says that the EU and the U.S. will continue to support Kosovo’s stability and security and its “regional integration,” and also assist its economic and institutional development. The EU and the U.S. also think that the authorities in Kosovo must aim for a stable, democratic and multi-ethnic society, as well as support the contributions of the NATO and OSCE missions in Kosovo. The joint statement says that the EU and the U.S. intend to cooperate on “completion of the soft transition of power” from UNMIK to the EULEX mission which would be responsible for the rule of law and its full enforcement throughout Kosovo. At the same time, the EU welcomes the U.S.’s participation in the EULEX mission.

EU, U.S. address situation in Western Balkans

At the same time, the EU’s determination and commitment regarding the accelerated membership of all the Western Balkans states is welcomed.

The EU and the U.S. hail the progress of Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Macedonia, Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro in the process of EU and NATO integration, as well as the signing of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and Serbia, as confirmation of Serbia’s European perspective and an important step on its European path.

The statement says that the EU and the U.S. will continue to support Kosovo’s stability and security and its “regional integration,” and also assist its economic and institutional development.

The EU and the U.S. also think that the authorities in Kosovo must aim for a stable, democratic and multi-ethnic society, as well as support the contributions of the NATO and OSCE missions in Kosovo.

The joint statement says that the EU and the U.S. intend to cooperate on “completion of the soft transition of power” from UNMIK to the EULEX mission which would be responsible for the rule of law and its full enforcement throughout Kosovo. At the same time, the EU welcomes the U.S.’s participation in the EULEX mission.

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