It's confirmed: Eight children killed in a school in Vračar

A boy (14) opened fire at the school "Vladislav Ribnikar" and on that occasion killed eight children and a security guard, Ministry of the Interior confirmed.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 03.05.2023.


It's confirmed: Eight children killed in a school in Vračar

It's confirmed: Eight children killed in a school in Vračar

The boy broke into the history class and started shooting at the students. One child is already on the operating table. He has head injuries and his life is in danger.

The other two children who were admitted to Tiršova have gunshot wounds and are in intensive care.

The shooting happened at 8:40 a.m. when a seventh-grader opened fire on security and students. Police arrested the attacker, who they said fired several shots, most likely from his father's gun.

On the occasion of this terrible event, the Ministry of the Interior issued an official announcement.

"In the shooting that took place this morning at the "Vladislav Ribnikar" Elementary School in Vračar, eight children and a security guard were killed, while six children and one school teacher were wounded and are currently being cared for in the Emergency Center and Tiršova. A student of this school, K. K. (2009) who is suspected of having committed this crime was found and arrested in the schoolyard. All police forces are still on the ground and are intensively working to shed light on all the facts and circumstances that led to this tragedy," the statement said.

Just to recall, first there was information that the history teacher was killed, but that is not true.

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