Russia lambasts America's UN rep over Milosevic comments

Moscow has criticized U.S. Ambassador to the UN Samantha Power over her statement likening Syrian officers with former Serbian President Slobodan Milosevic.

Izvor: Beta

Thursday, 24.11.2016.


Russia lambasts America's UN rep over Milosevic comments
Moscow (Thinkstock)

Russia lambasts America's UN rep over Milosevic comments

"I don't think anyone in this world would ever say that President of Serbia Milosevic was an unambiguous figure, nobody said that. But, forgive me, Samantha Power, have you at least any idea about the process against Milosevic?," Zakharova said during a regular briefing, according to the Beta agency.

The spokesperson then noted that Milosevic's Hague Tribunal trial never finished, and that the case "died along with him."

"Are you trying to say that anyone who doesn't suit Washington will see the same fate, and will also die without a verdict?," she asked.

Zakharova then remarked that a country's representative to the UN "must have elementary knowledge."

"After such statements about Slobodan Milosevic and citing as an example the case against him, you, Samantha Power, are being laughed at by the whole world," the Russian MFA representatives said, and advised the U.S. official "to first tell the UN Security Council about the fate of the Guantanamo prison, and only then about Syrians, Russia, and Milosevic."

Power made her remarks before the UN Security Council on November 21, accusing 12 Syrian army generals and colonels of "killing civilians and torturing opponents," and adding that her country "will not allow those who ordered crimes to remain anonymous and protected."

"Those officers think they are protected, as was the case with Slobodan Milosevic, Charles Taylor, and many other war criminals," the U.S. representative to the UN said, according to Beta.

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