Vucic warned in advance; Russia captures saboteurs who tried to mine "Turkish Stream"

Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov announced that saboteurs who tried to cause an explosion at the Turkish Stream gas pipeline were caught on Russian territory.

Izvor: B92

Thursday, 13.10.2022.


Vucic warned in advance; Russia captures saboteurs who tried to mine
Foto: Profimedia

Vucic warned in advance; Russia captures saboteurs who tried to mine "Turkish Stream"

"Some forces, whose origins were hinted at by Russian President Vladimir Putin, tried to attack even the 'Turkish Stream'. Saboteurs were caught, several people were arrested. They wanted to blow it up. On our territory, on land", Peskov told reporters on Thursday.

Vladimir Putin announced on Monday, during an operational consultation with members of the Security Council of Russia, that Kyiv tried to cause an explosion on one of the sections of the Turkish Stream gas transportation system.

Dmitriy Peskov also said in a conversation with journalists that Europe is practically left without the possibility to buy Russian gas, and that "Turkey Stream" is the only reliable route for the transit of this energy.

"The gas hub is really a very interesting topic. Look, there have been terrorist attacks and, indeed, Europe has practically lost the ability, even if it wants, to buy our gas," Peskov said, adding that Europe is now doomed to buy three times more expensive U.S. liquid gas.

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