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Brnabić responded fiercely: "What Tepić calls evidence, and Šolak's media is reporting about, is a lie"

The Speaker of the National Assembly, Ana Brnabić, reacted to the statements of Marinika Tepić, which were reported by Dragan Šolak's media.

Izvor: B92

Brnabić responded fiercely: "What Tepić calls evidence, and Šolak's media is reporting about, is a lie"


According to the tried-and-tested recipe, the Marinika Tepić-Šolak media team is riding again in order to raise tensions in society.

Marinika Tepić claims that the evidentiary material was thrown into a landfill. Regardless of the denials, without any verification (because if they had checked, they would have known that's a lie), Solak's 'professional' media immediately take it up and push it as the most important news, the big discovery. The reason is quite clear: people do not support violence and they know it they "nail" the atmosphere to cause greater conflicts.

Once again - what Tepić tells for evidence, and Šolak's media reports: it's a lie. Stupid, senseless, transparent and idiotic lie. Like many others until now, which is completely irrelevant to them.

Their only goal, for years now, is to create some kind of emergency situation in Serbia, at least for a while, but permanently - a feeling of anxiety, panic, confusion, to arouse suspicion. It is then a call for the most extreme layer of society to action.

This spreading of panic should be prosecuted by competent institutions, and if they are afraid of Solak and the former DOS, then at least warn them that what they are doing is a criminal offense.

Until then, all the rest of us, who want a normal and decent Serbia, a stable Serbia, with strong institutions and the rule of law - all the rest of us must speak out and defend the truth.

Their lies will not pass!

Their hatred and their violence do not have the support of Serbia," said Brnabić.


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