The solution offered by Ukraine - a new version of the state VIDEO

Aide to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Vladimir Medinsky said that Kyiv offers an Austrian or Swedish version of neutrality for Ukraine.

Izvor: B92

Wednesday, 16.03.2022.


The solution offered by Ukraine - a new version of the state VIDEO
Foto: Shutterstok/hyotographics

The solution offered by Ukraine - a new version of the state VIDEO

It is a model of a demilitarized state with its own army.

He noted that a number of issues related to the size of the Ukrainian army are being considered.

"Ukraine is offering an Austrian, Swedish version of a neutral demilitarized state, but at the same time a state with its own army and navy. All these issues are being discussed at the level of the leaderships of the defense ministries of Russia and Ukraine," Medinsky told reporters.

The topic of denazification of Ukraine remains on the negotiating table, Medinsky said.

"The topic of denazification and stricter punishment for glorifying Nazism, neo-Nazism, extremism is still an important item on the negotiating agenda," he said, as a condition of Moscow.

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